
ICM is a global charity providing a wide range of professional qualifications in business, management and related vocational areas based in Ringwood, Hampshire. ICM are seeking Trustee(s). Strategic vision, a passion for education and enthusiasm for supporting our charity are key strengths needed. This role is voluntary with reimbursement of expenses and requires attendance to quarterly meetings. If you would like to apply, click below, and we will send you a short application form.

Job Description:

  • Trustees work in a manner that supports ICM’s operation in a regulated education sector.
  • To contribute actively to the Board of Trustees’ role in ensuring that the Charity has a firm strategic direction, clear overall policy, agreed objectives and targets, and monitoring and evaluating performance against those objectives and targets.
  • To ensure there is regular reviews of the need for ICM and for the services it provides or could provide, and regular review of strategic plans and priorities.
  • To ensure that ICM has a governance structure that is appropriate to a charity of its size/complexity, stage of development, and its charitable objects, and reflects the diversity of its members.
  • To appoint the Chief Executive Officer and monitor his/her performance.
  • To monitor the effective and efficient management and administration of ICM (including the employment, management and welfare of all staff), delegating day-to-day responsibility to the Chief Executive Officer as appropriate.
  • To ensure that there are up to date policies to direct key areas of the charity’s business and to ensure that there are quality and service standards for major areas of delivery and that these are met.
  • To safeguard the good name and values ICM.
  • To act reasonably and prudently in all matters relating to ICM and always in the interests of ICM.
  • To ensure that ICM’s financial obligations are met and that there are adequate financial controls in place to ensure all money due is received and properly applied, and that all assets and liabilities are recorded.
  • To ensure that the major risks to ICM are regularly identified and reviewed and that systems are in place to mitigate or minimise the risks.
  • To ensure, with professional advice as appropriate, that ICM complies with all constitutional, legal, regulatory and statutory requirements.
  • To ensure that trustees comply with a code of conduct and register Conflicts of Interests, and that there are mechanisms for the removal of trustees who do not abide by the trustee code of conduct.

Qualities and Skills

The Board of Trustees has determined that it is essential that Trustees have:

  • Capacity for clear, creative and strategic thinking and vision.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • A willingness to speak their mind.
  • Analytical ability and good independent judgment.
  • Understanding and acceptance of the role of a Board of Trustees for a charity (including the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of Trusteeship).
  • A willingness and ability to devote the necessary time and effort to attend Board and other meetings, including preparing and reading for those meetings, and to participate in the effective governance and management of the Charity.

In addition to the above qualities, skills and key responsibilities, each Trustee should abide by the Good Governance, Code of Practice, using any specific skills, knowledge or experience they have to help the Board of Trustees reach insightful, sound decisions. This may involve scrutinising Board papers, leading discussions, focusing on key issues, providing advice and guidance on new initiatives, or other issues in which the Trustee has special expertise.

Trustees Knowledge and experience

The Board of Trustees has determined that it is essential that the following knowledge and experience should be present within the Board as a whole:

  • Experience and knowledge of education;
  • General financial knowledge or experience;
  • Marketing and public relations knowledge or experience;
  • Experience of business management, human resources management or administration;
  • Safeguarding, Risk Management, Adverse Effects, Business Continuity and Corporate Social Responsibility knowledge or experience
  • Charity administration experience.

Duties of Trustees

Charity trustees make decisions about their charity together, working as a team. Decisions do not usually need to be unanimous as long as the majority of trustees agree.

When making decisions about ICM, Trustees must:

  • Act within their powers
  • Act in good faith, and only in the interests of the charity
  • Make sure they are sufficiently informed, taking any advice they need
  • Take account of all relevant factors they are aware of
  • Ignore any irrelevant factors
  • Deal with conflicts of interest and loyalty
  • Make decisions that are within the range of decisions that a reasonable trustee body could make in the circumstances
  • Work to the Nolan principals:
    • Selflessness
    • Integrity
    • Objectivity
    • Accountability
    • Openness
    • Honesty
    • Leadership

To apply please send your CV to with at least one referee.

United Kingdom
Date Posted:
May 20, 2024
Application Closing Date:
December 31, 2024
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