Defining the Project
- Receipt of customer enquiries
- Screening enquiries
- Defining projects
- Defining a project for financial appraisal
- The customer’s project specification
- Project scope
- Using checklists
- Project and design specifications
- Product development projects
- Developing the project specification
Cost Estimates – Definitions and Principles
- Estimating accuracy
- Classification of estimates
- Prices and profits
- Version control
- Work breakdown
- Cost coding systems
- Benefits of a coding system
- Choosing a coding system
- Customer requirements and coding
Cost Estimates – Estimating in Practice
- Compiling the task list
- Level of detail
- Estimating formats
- Estimating manufacturing costs
- Estimating labour time
- Personal estimating characteristics
- Material and equipment costs
- Below the line costs
- Reviewing cost estimates
Commercial Management
- Financial project appraisal
- Project funding
- Contracts
- Contract payment structures
- Insurance
Example Candidate Response Booklet
Example Candidate Response (ECR) Booklets are a source of crucial information for Centres and Candidates as they use real candidate responses. We ask Senior Examiners to comment on five or more responses in terms of why the mark was awarded with commentary about how to improve the answer (if necessary).