Business Organisations
- Types of business organisation
- Sole trader organisations
- Partnerships
- Limited companies
- Other types of organisation
- Employment in these various organisations
Public Enterprise
- The need for public enterprises
- Central government departments
- The civil service
- Quasi-autonomous non-governmental organisations
- Local government
Internal Organisation of Businesses
- Management of businesses
- The board of directors
- The orientation of companies
- Relationships within an organisation
- The principles of organisation
- Departmental system
Location of Businesses
- The need for premises
- Considerations when acquiring premises
- Setting up a business in a domestic property
- What happens when objections are raised?
- Restrictive covenants in leases and deeds
- Other reasons for location
- Location and industrial inertia
The Size of Businesses
- The small business
- Factors affecting the size of a business
- Economies of large-scale operations
- How firms and companies grow
- Growth and company status
- Mergers and takeovers
Example Candidate Response Booklet
Example Candidate Response (ECR) Booklets are a source of crucial information for Centres and Candidates as they use real candidate responses. We ask Senior Examiners to comment on five or more responses in terms of why the mark was awarded with commentary about how to improve the answer (if necessary).