Unit Aim
The aim of this unit is to provide Learners with the necessary underpinning knowledge of human anatomy and physiology for beauty therapy. Learners develop an understanding of the organisation within the main body systems and associated pathology which is applied to the treatments that are performed as part of beauty therapy qualifications.
Unit Content
1 Know the structure and function of skin
- Structure
- Functions
- Growth and repair stages
- Skin types:
- ~ Dry
- ~ Oily
- ~ Combination
- ~ Balanced
- Skin conditions:
- ~ Maturer skin
- ~ Younger skin
- ~ Sensitive
- ~ Dehydrated
- ~ Blemishes
- ~ Papules
- ~ Pustules
- ~ Milia
- ~ Comedones
- ~ Broken capillaries
- ~ Hyperpigmentation
- ~ Hypopigmentation
- ~ Pseudofolliculitis
- Skin tone:
- ~Fair
- ~Medium
- ~Dark
- Factors affecting the skin ageing process
- Environmental and lifestyle factors
- Common diseases and disorders:
- ~Infestations
- ~Bacterial infections
- ~Viral infections
- ~Fungal infections
- ~Skin conditions
- ~Pigmentation disorders
- ~Skin cancers
2 Know the structure and function of hair
- Structure of the hair
- Hair follicle:
- ~Root
- ~Inner root sheath
- ~Outer root sheath
- Hair shaft
- Cuticle
- Cortex
- Medulla
- Hair growth cycle:
- ~Anagen
- ~Catagen
- ~Telogen
- Functions of hair
- Hair types:
- ~Vellus
- ~Terminal
- Factors which may affect hair growth
- Common diseases and disorders
3 Know the structure of nails
- Structure of the nail
- Stages in nail growth
- Different nail shapes
- Common diseases and disorders
4 Know the structure and function of the skeletal system:
- Functions of the skeleton
- Structure of the skeleton
- Common diseases and disorders
5 Know the structure and function of the muscular system:
- Function of the muscular system
- Structure of the muscular system
- Location and actions of the main muscles:
- ~Muscles of the head, face, neck and shoulders
- ~Muscles of the hand and lower arm
- ~Muscles of the foot and lower leg
- Common diseases and disorders
6 Know the structure and function of the cardiovascular system:
- Functions of the cardiovascular system
- Structure of the cardiovascular system
- Location and role of primary vessels:
- ~Arteries of the face
- ~Veins of the face
- ~Arteries of the foot and lower leg
- ~Veins of the foot and lower leg
- ~Arteries of the hand and lower arm
- ~Veins of the hand and lower arm
- Common diseases and disorders
7 Know the structure and function of the lymphatic system:
- Function of the lymphatic system
- Structure of the lymphatic system
- Functions of the lymph nodes
- Location of the main lymphatic nodes of the face
- Lymphatic vessels of the hand and arm
- Lymphatic vessels of the foot and lower leg
- Common diseases and disorders